Everyone in College has a responsibility to those around us, and to ourselves, to ensure that we all remain safe in the College environment.
Do not bring knives and other sharp implements into College. Do not misuse College property or equipment.
Fire Drills
Make sure that you know where the fire exits are and how to use them. Do not tamper with fire alarms or fire extinguishers. The College will hold fire drills at each term; make sure you know the procedure to follow.
Procedures in the Event of a Fire
On discovering a fire, activate the nearest fire alarm.
On hearing the fire alarm, leave the building by the nearest available exit (including fire exit doors). Do not use lifts. Lecturers are responsible for ensuring that the classroom in which they are teaching is evacuated. Fire Marshals are present on each floor and in each department and will sweep their designated area.
Go to the fire assembly points:
- the fire assembly point for Gatton Point South is adjacent to the gravel car park
- the fire assembly point for Gatton Point is behind the barrier to the car park, away from the building, along the pathway.
- the fire assembly point for SLDD staff and students located within the Zone A is to the rear of the Summer Garden, furthest away from the building.
Do not re-enter the premises until told by the controlling officer to do so.
Arrangements for disabled persons
Wheelchair users above the ground floor should be escorted to the designated refuge points, as per their personal evacuation plan and the College fire team should be notified immediately.
Accidents & Incidents
If you see anything that could be of danger to anyone then report it immediately to a member of staff – do not try to deal with it yourself.
In the case of an accident or incident, contact the nearest member of staff or Reception.
Smoking Policy
The College is a non-smoking campus and smoking is not permitted anywhere on the sites or car parks. To safeguard the health of all students and staff, smoking is strongly discouraged and help is available to assist you in giving up.
First Aid
We have trained First Aiders who can be called if there is an emergency. Contact Reception or any staff member.
Health & Safety on your Programme of Study
You will receive health and safety guidance related to your programme of study as part of your induction. Some courses require you to wear protective clothing/equipment in the workshops. This is a condition of attending these courses.
A full copy of the Health and Safety Policy is available from Client Services and the Learning Resource Centre.
Address: East Surrey College, Gatton Point, London Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2JX
Main Switchboard: 01737 772611 / Client Services: 01737 788444 / Email: clientservices@esc.ac.uk