East Surrey College is proud to partner with Jobcentre Plus to deliver the Employability Hub.
Sector-Based Work Academy Programmes (SWAPs)
The Employability Hub offers Sector-Based Work Academy Programmes (SWAPs) and other short courses that are designed to support you if are unemployed (aged 19+) or in low paid work, to get into work in a specific field.
We work closely with local employers to put together programmes that will equip you with the skills needed to sustain employment.
Our Employability Coaches can also support you with a range of services including help with:
- CV writing
- Job hunting
- Interview skills practice
- Support with Maths, English, ESOL and Digital Skills
- Developing the skills required for work
Sector-Based Work Academy Programmes or SWAPs consist of pre-employment training that is linked to the sector, a work experience placement with the employer and a guaranteed interview.
Willmott Dixon Building Lives SWAP (Construction)
Delivered in partnership with Willmott Dixon, this SWAP provides participants with the skills and qualifications to progress into an apprenticeship, job or higher-level training in construction.
This 5-week intensive training course will support you to gaining the knowledge and confidence to get into work through training, work experience and a guaranteed interview. As part of this SWAP you will complete a Level 1 in Health & Safety in a Construction Environment and a CITB Operatives Test which will lead to a CSCS Green Card.
Upcoming Dates
22 January 2024 at East Surrey College – CLICK to enquire
Strada Care SWAP (Healthcare)
Delivered in partnership with Strada Care, this SWAP provides you with the skills and qualifications to progress into an apprenticeship, job or higher-level training in the care sector.
The 5-week intensive training course will support people in gaining the knowledge and confidence to get into work through training, work experience and a guaranteed interview. As part of this SWAP you will complete training in Safeguarding, Moving & Handling, Equality & Diversity and Infection Control.
26 February 2024 at East Surrey College – CLICK to enquire
All of our courses are FREE if you are aged 19+, unemployed and on a means-tested benefit, or if you are employed and earn less than £23,302.50 per year in London or £18,525 per year outside of London.
You can apply by clicking the link for the course you are interested in or by email to:
John Ruskin College - employabilityhub@johnruskin.ac.uk
East Surrey College - employabilityhub@esc.ac.uk
The Employability Hub offers Sector-Based Work Academy Programmes (SWAPs) and other short courses that are designed to support you if are unemployed (aged 19+) or in low paid work, to get into work in a specific field.
We work closely with local employers to put together programmes that will equip you with the skills needed to sustain employment.
Find out more from our students:
SWAPs can help your organisation to recruit a workforce with the right skills to sustain and grow your business. If you are interested in or would like further information on how we can put together a bespoke programme for your organisation to support your recruitment needs, then please email us at:
John Ruskin College - employabilityhub@johnruskin.ac.uk
East Surrey College - employabilityhub@esc.ac.uk
Address: East Surrey College, Gatton Point, London Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2JX
Main Switchboard: 01737 772611 / Client Services: 01737 788444 / Email: clientservices@esc.ac.uk