HE Student Visits Her Former College
Date: 14 December 2021
Our Theatrical, Special Effects & Media Make-Up Level 3 and Hairdressing Level 3 students joined forces for an exciting Christmas competition!
The event was Zodiac themed, so the students took inspiration from a different star sign, and prepared their ideas with mood boards. For the Theatrical students, this work was also assessed and included a visit from an employer. Former student Sabrina, who is currently working in the make-up industry and as a Technician with our Theatrical Make-Up team, was invited to judge the students' work. She joined tutors Hannah and Karen, who teach across our Theatrical, Media & Special Effects Make-Up courses, both Full-time and University Level.
Theatrical, Special Effects & Media Make-Up Level 3 student Mia and Hairdressing Level 3 student Hannah working on their design | Roxanne perfecting her Pisces design |
Our guest employer and Make-Up Tutors picked their top three designs, based on creativity and technical skill.
Make-Up (Pictured clockwise below)
1st Place: Sophie
2nd Place: Mia
3rd Place: Lauren
Hairdressing Tutor Debbie also picked her top Hairdressing designs, with the assistance of a guest judge, former student, Giverny. Congratulations to the following students:
Hairdressing (pictured clockwise below)
1st Place: Hannah
2nd Place: Elyse
3rd Place: Ellie
The students had their pieces of work photographed and will be able to use the images for their professional portfolio or for interviews for higher-level study!
You can find out more about our Hair, Beauty & Spa courses, and apply for September 2022 here.
Address: East Surrey College, Gatton Point, London Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2JX
Main Switchboard: 01737 772611 / Client Services: 01737 788444 / Email: clientservices@esc.ac.uk