Life Skills Alumni - Kellie
Kellie studied a Life Skills course at ESC before getting a job at East Surrey Hospital as part of the Estates and Facilities Housekeeping team. She has been working in the busy NHS hospital for over five years, interacting with hundreds of patients ...
Supported Internship Level 1 - Rylan
Rylan joined ESC on an Entry Level 1 Life Skills course, progressing up through Entry Levels 2 and 3 before joining the Supported Internship at Level 1. Due to the pandemic, he was unable to complete the work placement element, so was keen to re...
LEAP - Thomas
Thomas originally joined East Surrey College on the Motor Vehicle Entry Level Diploma. Thomas had heard many great things about the College and came to look around for the first time at the facilities. Shortly after joining, he decided to t...
LEAP - Sophie
Sophie applied to East Surrey College as she found the learning style more suited to her and enrolled on Health & Social Care Level 2, but after hearing about LEAP (Learning, Employability and Progression), Sophie decided this would be more suita...
LEAP - Khyl
Khyl joined East Surrey College to take on a new adventure in a new area, having completed his secondary education in Croydon. Khyl originally joined the College on a Construction course but found this wasn’t the right pathway for him. He ...
Supported Internship - Hannah
A Supported Internship is a chance to build up confidence and gain independence, and was the path chosen by Hannah, who started the course in 2017.Hannah began by working 2 days a week in the College shop, which allowed her to develop key retail ...
Skills for Independence and Work - Luke
Luke’s love of cycling has taken him from bike-riding at a young age, to the 2019 Special Olympics World Summer Games. He has been chosen to represent Team GB at the Games, which take place in March 2019 in Abu Dhabi. This is a huge achievement...
Sport Level 2 - Georgie
Former School: Cheam High School“I first started kicking a ball at the age of 3.”Football fan Georgie has been able to dedicate time at College to his passion: sports coaching. He joined ESC on Life Skills Entry Level 2, and Georg...
Supported Learning - Zoe
Zoe started in Supported Learning six years ago, lacking confidence in her abilities. During her time at the College, with the support of her tutors, Zoe has made outstanding progress moving from Supported Learning onto Health & Social Care....
Kick Start Programme - Aaron
Aaron joined the Kick Start programme in 2012 having moved from another area. He admits that while he was at school he struggled to settle down and as a result, his behaviour suffered.He lacked confidence in his abilities but through the support ...
Address: East Surrey College, Gatton Point, London Road, Redhill, Surrey RH1 2JX
Main Switchboard: 01737 772611 / Client Services: 01737 788444 / Email: